-The Wisdom of Aunty Wai-
Her story
Her wisdoms
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Tangi a te Ruru
Ko Au te Manu
Karanga to the Grandmothers
Her story
Her wisdoms
Kia ū
Tangi a te Ruru
Ko Au te Manu
Karanga to the Grandmothers
Contact us
A Karanga to the Great Grandmothers
Great-grandmothers of all seasons
whose voices I hear in the winds
and whose breath gives life
hear me for I have an important request
I am a grandmother who carries the concerns of her children to you
They come to me and ask
'Grandmother why is the world full of
chaos and confusion?
Is our earth mother dying?
tell us grandmother'
I am a grandmother who feels the wind of change and know
that enlightenment is upon us
I ask you, Great-grandmothers of wisdom and truth,
help us clear the energies and poisons mother earth is struggling with.
Great-grandmother we ask that you share your wisdoms
with your descendants of the earth
As a grandmother who has experienced the cycles and seasons of life
I see the journey of the mothers,
the young women,
the daughters.
As a grandmother who carries the essence of a wise woman
who gave birth to the mothers
who gave birth to the sons
and daughters of the future
we look to you Great grandmother
what is it that we need to know
to be aware of
to prepare ourselves for change
for this great rebirth
Answering Karanga from the Great-Grandmothers
Draw close to the fire Grandmother and listen to the wind
as you look into the flames
see the signs
Do you remember when the Great Great Grandmother called
all the people to her
She was one hundred and ten in your years
she called her people around her and said to them
you must love one another.
Then she lay on her mattress for her final journey
knowing her work was done.
For your grandchildren of the future the message has not changed
we, the Great-Grandmothers say to all the children of your time
reach out your hand to one another
love each other and yourselves
and in this way you create a change
a change in the worlds
Let the sense of separation be dissolved
let peace come into the minds of the people
let love flow from every heart
let forgiveness be in every soul
let understanding be a common bond
so it is